Atari 260ST

Atari Corporation, ZDA

[SLO]: Atari 260ST je manj znan model iz serije ST, zasnovan za Zahodno Nemčijo in nekatere evropske države. Izdan v burnem obdobju za Atari, je bil 260ST del spora, ki je vključeval še en model. Atari 130ST kot 260ST sta bila zamišljena kot stroja z malo RAM-a, pri čemer je bilo treba operacijski sistem naložiti z diskete, kar je porabilo 206 KB RAM-a in pustilo omejen spomin za aplikacije. Vendar pa 130ST nikoli ni prišel v proizvodnjo, saj je ostal le prototip zaradi nezadostnega pomnilnika za delovanje operacijskega sistema. Medtem ko je 260ST sicer lahko poganjal operacijski sistem, se je soočal s težavami s hitrostjo delovanja, vendar je bil kljub temu izdan na trg. Čeprav 260ST ni dosegel komercialnega uspeha, je serija ST kot celota zaznamovala pomembno obdobje v računalništvu. Serija ST je bila Atarijev odgovor na Apple Macintosh in val računalnikov naslednje generacije v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. To obdobje je zaznamoval prihod 16-bitnih sistemov z najmanj 256 KB RAM-a in uvedba grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov, ki so jih upravljali z miško. Za mnoge uporabnike je Macintosh ali Atari ST predstavljal njihov prvi stik z računalniki, ki so imeli ikone, kazalce, menije in barvne zaslone. Atari ST je bil še posebej cenjen zaradi svoje dostopnosti, saj je ponujal podobne zmogljivosti kot Macintosh, a po nižji ceni. Atari Corporation, ki je nastala z združitvijo z Atari Inc.—podjetjem, ki je revolucioniralo arkadne igre—je ustanovil nekdanji izvršni direktor podjetja Commodore in je močno vplival na računalniško industrijo v osemdesetih in devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Serija Atari ST, ki se je začela z modelom 520ST, je postala paradni konj podjetja. Kljub temu, da je bil Atari ST stroškovno ugodna in zmogljiva alternativa Macintoshu, ni uspel preseči svojega tekmeca v priljubljenosti. [ENG]: The Atari 260ST is a lesser-known model from the ST series, designed for West Germany and select European countries. Released during a turbulent period for Atari, the 260ST was part of a controversy involving another model. Both the Atari 130ST and 260ST were envisioned as low-RAM machines that required the operating system to be loaded from a floppy disk, consuming 206 KB of RAM and leaving limited memory for applications. However, the 130ST never made it to production, remaining only as a prototype due to insufficient memory to run the operating system. The 260ST, though capable of running the OS, struggled with performance issues but was still released to the market. While the 260ST did not achieve commercial success, the ST series as a whole marked a significant era in computing. The ST line was Atari's answer to the Apple Macintosh and the wave of next-generation computers in the 1980s. This period was characterized by the advent of 16-bit systems with at least 256 KB of RAM and the introduction of mouse-driven graphical user interfaces. For many users, the Macintosh or Atari ST provided their first encounter with computers featuring icons, cursors, menus, and color displays. The Atari ST was particularly appreciated for its affordability, offering similar capabilities to the Macintosh at a lower price point. Atari Corporation, formed through a merger with Atari Inc.—the company that revolutionized arcade gaming—was founded by a former Commodore executive and had a profound impact on the computer industry during the 1980s and 1990s. The Atari ST series, beginning with the 520ST, became the company's flagship product line. Despite being a cost-effective and competent alternative to the Macintosh, the Atari ST ultimately did not surpass its rival in popularity.
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