Polycom VVX 600 IP Phone
Polycom, ZDA
- Opis:
- Polycom VVX 600 IP Phone. [SLO]: Polycom VVX 600, IP telefon, so muzejski prostovoljci priredili tako, da na njegovem zaslonu prikazuje igre. IP telefon, ali VoIP telefon, je sodobna namizna naprava, ki uporablja tehnologijo Voice over IP za opravljanje in sprejemanje klicev prek IP omrežja, kot je internet, v nasprotju s tradicionalnimi telefoni. Medtem ko so VoIP telefoni podobni običajnim namiznim telefonom s slušalko in tipkovnico, pogosto vključujejo naprednejši zaslon za prikaz identifikacije klicatelja, seznamov stikov in aplikacij. Takšni telefoni so pogosto uporabljeni v poslovnih okoljih, kjer so integrirani v enotni komunikacijski sistem, ki vključuje glasovne, video in sporočilne storitve. Prostovoljci so video konferenčni telefon najprej modificirali tako, da je na njem delovala klasična igra Doom, kot del internetnega fenomena "It runs Doom". Doom, ena prvih iger v žanru prvoosebnih strelskih iger, je postal kulturna prelomnica za generacijo, ki je v devetdesetih letih prvič spoznala računalnike. Pogosto vprašanje, s katerim so ocenjevali zmogljivost računalnika v tistem času, je bilo "Ali lahko poganja Doom?" Ta nostalgičen izziv je navdihnil navdušence, da so igro programirali na širokem spektru naprav - od kalkulatorjev in bankomatov do hladilnikov. Odprtokodna zasnova igre in njena prilagodljiva programska struktura sta omogočili, da Doom deluje na skoraj vsaki platformi, tudi na tistih, ki niso namenjene igranju iger. Kasneje so muzejski prostovoljci video konferenčni telefon sprogramirali tudi za delovanje igre Pac-Man, še ene ikonične igre tistega obdobja. Pac-Man, ki ga je leta 1980 prvič izdala japonska družba Namco, je hitro postal ena najbolj prepoznavnih in vplivnih video iger, ki je bila slavna zaradi svoje preproste, a privlačne igre. Tako kot Doom, lahko zdaj tudi Pac-Man igrate na zaslonu telefona, pri čemer gumbe, ki so bili prvotno namenjeni za opravljanje klicev, uporabljate za nadzor igre. [ENG]: The Polycom VVX 600, an IP phone, was modified by museum volunteers to display games on its screen. An IP phone, or VoIP phone, is a modern desk device that uses Voice over IP technology to make and receive calls over an IP network, such as the Internet, unlike traditional phones. While VoIP phones resemble conventional desk phones with a handset and keypad, they often feature an advanced screen for displaying caller ID, contact lists, and applications. These phones are commonly found in business settings, where they are integrated into a unified communications system that encompasses voice, video, and messaging services. The video conferencing phone was initially hacked by the volunteers to run the classic game Doom, as part of the "It runs Doom" internet phenomenon. Doom, one of the earliest first-person shooter games, became a cultural touchstone for the generation first introduced to computers in the 1990s. A common benchmark for evaluating a computer's capability at the time was the question, "Can it run Doom?" This nostalgic challenge inspired enthusiasts to program the game on a wide range of devices—from calculators and ATMs to refrigerators. The game's open-source code and its reliance on flexible programming features have made it possible to compile and run Doom on nearly any platform, even those not intended for gaming. Subsequently, the museum volunteers also programmed the video conferencing phone to run Pac-Man, another iconic game from the era. First released in 1980 by the Japanese company Namco, Pac-Man quickly became one of the most recognizable and influential video games, celebrated for its simple yet engaging gameplay. As with Doom, players can now enjoy Pac-Man on the phone's screen, using the buttons originally designed for making calls to control the game.
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 2012
- Število primerkov:
- 1
- Primerki:
- #1697 | 004f289c738 | Doniral: Štamcar, Marko (09 Jun 2022) | Fotka
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