Trek ThumbDrive
Trek 2000 International, Singapore

- Opis:
- Črni USB ključek z vijoličnim napisom Trek ThumbDrive. [SLO]: 8MB ThumbDrive je prepoznan kot prvi serijsko proizveden USB ključek. Razvilo in komercialno distribuiralo ga je podjetje Trek 2000 International, s sedežem v Singapurju. Podjetje je bilo pionirsko pri uvajanju USB ključkov na trg in dosledno trdi, da je izumilo to tehnologijo. Kljub svojem statusu prvega USB ključka, ki je bil na voljo za nakup, se okoli njegovega izuma pojavljajo polemike, saj več subjektov zase trdi, da so izvirni avtorji osnovne ideje USB ključka. [ENG]: The 8MB ThumbDrive is recognized as the first mass-produced USB flash drive. Developed and commercially distributed by Trek 2000 International, a Singapore-based company, it was the pioneer in bringing USB flash drives to the market and has consistently claimed to be the original inventor of the technology. Despite its status as the first USB drive available for purchase, there has been controversy over its invention, with several entities claiming to have originated the concept of the USB flash drive. Trek 2000 International introduced the ThumbDrive at the CeBIT trade fair in 2000.
- Tip:
- for Windows 98
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 2000
- Število primerkov:
- 1
- Primerki:
- #2677 | Fotka
- Povezave:
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