Apple IIe
Apple Inc., ZDA

- Opis:
- Večji bež računalnik z vgrajeno tipkovnico in logotipom nad njo. [SLO]: Apple II je pionirski primer tipkovniškega računalnika, izraz, ki se uporablja za opis sistemov, kjer je bil celoten računalnik vgrajen v ohišje tipkovnice. Ti računalniki so bili običajno prodajani brez monitorja, saj so bili zasnovani za neposredno povezavo s standardnim televizorjem, kar je pripomoglo k nižjim stroškom. Ta oblikovalski pristop je bil značilen za konec sedemdesetih in začetek osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, obdobje, ki je prineslo tudi druge ikonične naprave, kot so Atari, Commodore 64 in Amiga. Omeniti velja, da je Apple celo pridobil patent za napravo, ki je združevala računalnik in tipkovnico v eno enoto. Najbolj priljubljen model v seriji Apple II je bil Apple IIe, izdan leta 1983. Ta model ima posebno čast, saj je bil najdlje proizvajani računalnik Apple, in sicer 11 let, vse do leta 1993. Apple IIe je bil zelo cenjen zaradi svoje razširljivosti in zmožnosti prikazovanja tako velikih kot malih črk—kar je bila v tistem času redka lastnost, saj so večina računalnikov lahko prikazovala le velike črke. Računalnik je imel prvotno 64 KB RAM-a, ki ga je bilo mogoče enostavno razširiti na 128 KB. Čeprav so številni uporabniki računalnik kupili brez monitorja, je Monitor II, ki je bil na novo predstavljen, postal pogost spremljevalec Apple IIe. [ENG]: The Apple II is a pioneering example of the keyboard computer, a term used to describe systems where the entire computer was integrated into the keyboard casing. These computers were typically sold without a monitor, as they were designed to connect directly to a standard television, which helped to keep costs down. This design approach was characteristic of the late 1970s and early 1980s, an era that also saw the rise of other iconic machines such as the Atari, Commodore 64, and Amiga. Notably, Apple even secured a patent for a device that combined both the computer and keyboard into a single unit. The most popular model in the Apple II series was the Apple IIe, released in 1983. It holds the distinction of being Apple’s longest-produced computer, remaining in production for 11 years until 1993. The Apple IIe was highly regarded for its expandability and its ability to display both uppercase and lowercase letters—an uncommon feature at the time, as most computers could only display uppercase characters. The machine originally came with 64 KB of RAM, which could be easily expanded to 128 KB. Although many users purchased the computer without a monitor, the newly introduced Monitor II became a common companion for the Apple IIe.
- Tip:
- A2S2064D
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 1983
- Število primerkov:
- 1
- Primerki:
- #16 | 2A2S2-247473 | Fotka
- Razstavljen:
- Povezave:
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![]() 1984 case with British keyboard layout and Enhanced IIe upgrade sticker on power light | |
Developer | Apple Computer |
Type | Desktop |
Release date | January 1983 |
Introductory price | Main unit US$1,395 (equivalent to $3,581 in 2019). US$1,995 ($5,121) included main unit with: Disk II and controller, Apple Monitor III and stand, and Extended 80-Column Text Card |
Discontinued | November 1993 |
Operating system | Apple DOS 3.3[1][2] ProDOS |
CPU | MOS Technology/Synertek 6502 @ 1.023 MHz (Original //e) NCR/GTE 65C02 @ 1.023 MHz (Enhanced //e and Extended IIe) |
Memory | 64 KB of RAM (up to 1 MB) |
Predecessor | Apple II Plus |
Successor | Apple Lisa |