Power Mac G5
Apple Inc., ZDA

- Opis:
- Srebrn namizni računalnik, na sprednji strani ima tri porte in gumb za vklop. [SLO]: Power Mac G5, ki ga je Apple predstavil leta 2003, nosi priznanje kot prvi 64-bitni namizni računalnik na svetu. Poganjal ga je procesor PowerPC 970, bil pa je tudi prvi Apple model z zdaj že ikoničnim aluminijastim ohišjem. Ta prelomni dizajn je postavil temelje za linijo Mac Pro, ki je nadaljevala dediščino zmogljivih delovnih postaj, prilagojenih zahtevnim nalogam, kot sta video montaža in glasbena produkcija. Od leta 2003 do 2006 je bilo izdanih več različic Power Mac G5, začenši z modeli s hitrostjo procesorja 1,6 GHz, 1,8 GHz in dvoprocesorskim modelom 2,0 GHz. Zadnje različice so prinesle pomemben napredek z uvedbo dvojedrnih procesorjev, PCI Express razširitvenih rež namesto PCI-X ter celo tekočinskega hlajenja. Vendar je kratek čas med zadnjim modelom Power Mac G5 in uvedbo Mac Pro, ki temelji na Intelovih procesorjih, povzročil frustracije pri mnogih uporabnikih, ki so investirali v te vrhunske delovne postaje. Ohišje računalnika ima robustno, pravokotno zasnovo z velikimi, vgrajenimi ročaji na vrhu in spodaj za lažje prenašanje. Sprednja in zadnja plošča sta perforirani z mrežo majhnih, enakomerno razporejenih lukenj. Na sprednji strani sta tudi majhen gumb za vklop in neopazna reža za optični pogon. Ohišje je razdeljeno na ločene dele, pri čemer zgornji del vsebuje glavne komponente, spodnji del pa omogoča enostaven dostop do priključkov in razširitvenih mest. [ENG]: The Power Mac G5, launched by Apple in 2003, holds the distinction of being the world's first 64-bit desktop computer. Powered by the PowerPC 970 CPU, it was also the first Apple model to feature the now-iconic aluminum enclosure. This groundbreaking design set the stage for the Mac Pro line, which continued the legacy of powerful workstations tailored for demanding tasks like video editing and music production. From 2003 to 2006, several iterations of the Power Mac G5 were released, starting with models clocked at Single 1.6 GHz, Single 1.8 GHz, and Dual 2.0 GHz. The final versions marked a significant evolution, introducing dual-core processors, PCI Express expansion slots in place of PCI-X, and even liquid cooling. However, the brief period between the last Power Mac G5 and the introduction of the Intel-based Mac Pro left many users who had invested in these high-end workstations feeling frustrated. The computer case features a robust, rectangular design with large, built-in handles on the top and bottom for easy carrying. The front and rear panels are perforated with a grid of small, evenly spaced holes. A small power button and a subtle optical drive slot are also located on the front. The case is divided into distinct sections, with the upper part housing the main components and the lower section offering easy access to ports and expansion bays.
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 2003
- Število primerkov:
- 2
- Primerki:
- #2123
- #1908 | Fotka
- Razstavljen:
- Povezave:
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