iMac G3, 1st gen, Strawberry
Apple Inc., ZDA

- Opis:
- [SLO]: iMac G3, ki ga je leta 1998 predstavil Steve Jobs, je zaznamoval začetek revolucionarne iMac serije, znane po svojem izrazitem in nekonvencionalnem dizajnu. iMac G3 je bil lansiran kot cenovno dostopen in uporabniku prijazen računalnik, zasnovan za enostavno povezavo z internetom, s čimer je pritegnil pozornost potrošnikov in postavil temelje za Applove estetske in funkcionalne inovacije v naslednjem desetletju. iMac G3 je bil računalnik vse-v-enem, ki je združeval CRT zaslon, G3 procesor in vse ključne komponente v enem samem, prozornem plastičnem ohišju, ki je bilo na voljo v široki paleti živahnih barv — kar je bila drastična sprememba v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi oblikami računalnikov. Ta originalni model je skozi čas doživel več prenov, ki so izboljšale hitrost procesorja, povečale pomnilnik, razširile kapaciteto trdega diska in dodale nove funkcije. V izobraževalnem sektorju je bil kot kratkotrajna alternativa iMacu G3 uveden eMac. Lansiranje iMac G3 je bilo še posebej pomembno, saj je bil to Applov prvi večji izdelek po vrnitvi Steva Jobsa v podjetje. V času, ko se je Apple soočal s finančnimi težavami, je bila ta reorganizacija, skupaj z inovativnimi novimi izdelki, ključna za ponovno usmeritev podjetja na pravo pot. [ENG]: The iMac G3, introduced by Steve Jobs in 1998, marked the beginning of a revolutionary iMac series known for its distinctive and unconventional design. Launched as an affordable, user-friendly machine, the iMac G3 was designed to seamlessly connect to the Internet, capturing the attention of consumers and setting the tone for Apple’s aesthetic and functional innovations throughout the decade. The iMac G3 was an all-in-one computer, integrating a CRT display, the G3 processor, and all essential components within a single, transparent plastic case available in a range of vibrant colors—a stark departure from traditional computer designs. Over time, this original model saw several revisions, enhancing processor speed, increasing memory, expanding hard drive capacity, and adding new features. In the education sector, the eMac was introduced as a brief alternative to the iMac G3. The launch of the iMac G3 was especially significant as it was Apple’s first major product release following Steve Jobs' return to the company. At a time when Apple was financially struggling, this reorganization, coupled with innovative new products, was crucial in steering the company back on course.
- Tip:
- M4984
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 1999
- Število primerkov:
- 2
- Primerki:
- #1903 | Fotka
- #1703
- Razstavljen:
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