Power Macintosh G3 - Blue and White
Apple Inc., ZDA

- Opis:
- Večji računalnik, z modro prednjo in zadnjo stranjo, svetlimi plastičnimi stranicami in ročaji na vseh štirih kotih. [SLO]: Power Macintosh G3 je predstavljal pomembno oblikovalsko prelomnico za Applovo linijo Power Mac, saj je prešel iz tradicionalnega bež ohišja v vpadljivo, polprosojno modro-belo ohišje—prelomno zasnovo za tisti čas. Čeprav sta obstajali dve različici G3, je le druga različica, predstavljena leta 1999, imela to novo obliko ohišja. Računalnik je dobil ime po svojem tretje-generacijskem PowerPC čipu in je ostal ikoničen kos strojne opreme še dolgo v 2000-ih letih. G3 je bil opremljen s tipkovnico in miško, ki sta ustrezali dizajnu, uvedenem z iMacom, z rahlo drugačnim odtenkom modre, ki je dopolnjeval nov videz G3. Na voljo so bili modeli s hitrostmi od 300 MHz do 450 MHz. Sprva je bil G3 dobavljen z operacijskim sistemom Mac OS 8.5.1, vendar je sposoben poganjati do Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Pomembno je omeniti, da ta model ni imel diskete, in je bil opremljen s 64 MB ali 128 MB PC100 SDRAM-a, grafično kartico ATI Rage 128, ter USB 1.1 vhodi. Shranjevalne možnosti so običajno vključevale 6 GB ali 12 GB Ultra ATA/33 trde diske ali pa 9 GB Ultra2 SCSI disk. Modro-beli G3 je bil cenjen zaradi svoje uporabniku prijazne zasnove, še posebej v tem, kako je omogočal enostaven dostop do notranjih komponent. Celotna desna stran ohišja se je lahko odprla kot vrata, le z enostavnim potegom zapaha na vrhu. Ta inovativna zasnova je omogočila, da so uporabniki lahko dostopali do matične plošče in drugih komponent neposredno, brez potrebe po odklopu ali odstranitvi kakršnihkoli delov. Poleg tega je računalnik lahko ostal vklopljen med servisiranjem, kar je bilo priročno tako za običajne uporabnike kot za tehnike. [ENG]: The Power Macintosh G3 marked a significant design shift for Apple's Power Mac line, transitioning from the traditional beige case to a striking, semi-transparent blue and white enclosure—a groundbreaking design at the time. Although two versions of the G3 existed, only the second version, introduced in 1999, featured this new case design. The machine derives its name from its third-generation PowerPC chip and remained an iconic piece of hardware well into the 2000s. The G3 was accompanied by a keyboard and mouse that matched the design introduced with the iMac, featuring a slightly different shade of blue to complement the G3's new look. The available models ranged from 300 MHz to 450 MHz. Initially, the G3 shipped with Mac OS 8.5.1, but it is capable of running up to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Notably, the floppy drive was omitted from this model, and it came equipped with 64MB or 128MB of PC100 SDRAM, an ATI Rage 128 graphics card, and USB 1.1 ports. Storage options typically included 6 GB or 12 GB Ultra ATA/33 hard drives, or a 9 GB Ultra2 SCSI drive. The blue and white G3 was celebrated for its user-friendly design, particularly in how it allowed for easy access to its internal components. The entire right side of the case could be opened like a door by simply pulling a latch at the top. This innovative design meant that users could access the motherboard and other components directly without having to disconnect or remove any parts. Additionally, the computer could remain powered on while being serviced, which was a convenient feature for both casual users and technicians.
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 1998 - 1999
- Število primerkov:
- 4
- Primerki:
- #56 | xb9050mffq2 | Fotka
- #1149 | k4849584f8aa
- #1154 | PT0186AYJ7C
- #935
- Razstavljen:
- Povezave:
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![]() The Power Macintosh G3 Mini Tower (left) and Power Macintosh G3 Blue and White (right) | |
Developer | Apple Computer, Inc. |
Product family | Power Macintosh |
Type | Desktop computer |
Release date | November 10, 1997 |
Introductory price | $1599 |
Discontinued | August 31, 1999 |
CPU | PowerPC G3, 233 – 333 MHz; 300 – 450 MHz |
Predecessor | All-in-one: Power Macintosh 5400 Power Macintosh 5500 Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh Desktop: Power Macintosh 4400 Power Macintosh 6200 Power Macintosh 7300 Mini Tower: Power Macintosh 6500 Power Macintosh 8600 Power Macintosh 9600 |
Successor | iMac G3 (All-In-One) Power Mac G4 (Mini Tower) |