Robotron K7658 tipkovnica
VEB Robotron, Vzhodna Nemčija

- Opis:
- Črna kovinska tipkovnica s črnimi in bež tipkami, siva na vrhu. [SLO]: Za 8-bitne računalnike, ki jih je izdeloval vzhodnonemški proizvajalec Robotron, posebej za modele PC1715 in terminale P8000, je bila razvita robustna tipkovnica. Imela je kovinsko ohišje, saj je bilo, za razliko od preostalega sveta, v Vzhodni Nemčiji takrat bolj ekonomično uporabljati kovino kot plastiko,. Robotron, najbolj znano podjetje v DDR, je izdelovalo računalnike za Vzhodno Evropo in DDR. Tipkovnice so bile izdelane v dveh barvah—beli in rjavi, da so se ujemale z ustreznimi modeli računalnikov. Obstajalo je več različic teh tipkovnic, ki so se razlikovale po barvi in obliki tipk. Nekatere so imele kvadratne tipke, druge zaobljene, ena različica pa je vključevala funkcijske tipke iz prozorne plastike. Ta raznolikost v oblikovanju tipk izvira iz Robotronovega ozadja v proizvodnji pisalnih strojev. Čeprav je bil Robotron vzhodnonemški proizvajalec, ki je bil namenjen vzhodnemu trgu, so sprejeli postavitev tipkovnice, podobno zahodni QWERTY postavitvi. Zlasti so tipkovnice za jugoslovanski trg vključevale šumnike kot so Š, Č, Ć in Đ, ter imele nenavadno razporeditev puščičnih tipk in funkcijskih tipk. Tipkovnica je vsebovala vmesnik z 8-bitnim procesorjem UA880D, vzhodnonemškim klonom mikroprocesorja Z80, ter čipi, kot so D100D, DL003D, K155TM2, 7406PC in UV-EPROM. Tiskano vezje (PCB) za tipke je imelo pozlačene sledi, ne le na kontaktnih točkah, temveč po celotnih sledeh, ki so bile nato prekrite z zaščitno zeleno barvo. Tipkovnica je bila povezana z računalnikom PC1715 preko 5-polnega serijskega kabla. Model tipkovnice K7658 je meril 50x20 cm in tehtal 2,5 kg. [ENG]: For 8-bit computers produced by the East German manufacturer Robotron, specifically for the PC1715 models and P8000 terminals, a sturdy keyboard was developed. It featured a metal casing, a choice driven by the fact that, at the time, it was more economical in East Germany to use metal rather than plastic, unlike in the rest of the world. Robotron, the most renowned company in the DDR, created computers for Eastern Europe and the DDR. The keyboards came in two colors—white and brown—to match the corresponding computer models. Several variants of these keyboards existed, differing in both color and key shape. Some featured square keys, others had rounded keycaps, and one variant included function keys made of transparent plastic. This diversity in key designs stemmed from Robotron's background in typewriter manufacturing. Although Robotron was an East German manufacturer catering to the Eastern market, they adopted a keyboard layout similar to the Western QWERTY layout. Notably, the keyboards for the Yugoslav market included Latin letters such as Š, Č, Ć, and Đ, and featured an unconventional arrangement of cursor keys and function keys. The keyboard integrated an interface with the 8-bit UA880D processor, an East German clone of the Z80 microprocessor, along with chips such as the D100D, DL003D, K155TM2, 7406PC, and a UV-EPROM. The printed circuit board (PCB) for the keys boasted gold-plated traces, not just at the contact points but along the entire traces, which were then covered with protective green paint. The keyboard connected to the PC1715 computer via a 5-pin serial cable. The keyboard model, K7658, measured 50x20 cm and weighed 2.5 kg.
- Leto proizvodnje:
- None
- Število primerkov:
- 1
- Primerki:
- #2025 | Fotka
- Povezave: