Oric Nova 64
Avtotehna, Jugoslavija

- Opis:
- Računalnik Oric Nova 64, zgoraj desno nalepka z imenom računalnika. Z rdečimi tipkami za esc, ctrl, shift, del, return, shift, funct in kurzorske tipke. Na zadnji strani konektorji za avdio, video. [SLO]: Oric Nova 64 je bila različica Oric Atmosa, posebej prilagojena za jugoslovanski trg. Prvotno izdana leta 1984 s strani britanskega podjetja Tangerine Computer Systems. Oric Atmos je pridobil veliko priljubljenost v Veliki Britaniji in Franciji zaradi svoje enostavne uporabe, kar ga je naredilo priljubljenega med domačimi uporabniki in hobisti tistega časa. V Jugoslaviji je slovensko podjetje Avtotehna preimenovalo Oric Atmos v šolski računalnik, pri čemer so nekatere enote imele tipkovnice z vgraviranimi jugoslovanskimi znaki. Za mnoge v Jugoslaviji je bil to njihov prvi stik z računalništvom. Računalniki Oric so predstavljali britanski odziv na vzpon domačih računalnikov v 80. letih prejšnjega stoletja, obdobju, zaznamovanem z uvedbo kompaktnih naprav, kjer je bil celoten računalnik vgrajen v ohišje tipkovnice. To so bili dnevi 8-bitne procesorske arhitekture, ko so računalniki hitro postajali dostopni širši javnosti. Kljub začetnemu uspehu se je Oric Atmos soočal z močno konkurenco drugih domačih računalnikov in je bil opuščen v sredini 80-ih let. Vendar pa je preimenovani Oric Nova 64 še vedno ostal v uporabi v Jugoslaviji vse do 90-ih let. [ENG]: The Oric Nova 64 was a version of the Oric Atmos specifically adapted for the Yugoslavian market. Originally released in 1984 by the British company Tangerine Computer Systems, the Oric Atmos gained significant popularity in the UK and France due to its ease of use, making it a favorite among home users and hobbyists of the time. In Yugoslavia, the Slovenian company Avtotehna rebranded the Oric Atmos as a school computer, with some units featuring keyboards engraved with Yugoslav characters. For many in Yugoslavia, this was their first introduction to computing. The Oric Computers represented the British response to the rise of home computers in the 1980s, a period marked by the advent of compact machines where the entire computer was housed within the keyboard casing. These were the days of 8-bit processor architecture, when computers were rapidly becoming accessible to the general public. Despite its initial success, the Oric Atmos faced strong competition from other home computers and was discontinued by the mid-1980s. However, the rebranded Oric Nova 64 continued to be used in Yugoslavia into the 1990s.
- Tip:
- Nova 64
- Leto proizvodnje:
- 1984
- Število primerkov:
- 3
- Primerki:
- Povezave:
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