Buffalo EU B.V.

BUFFALO is a global manufacturer of innovative storage and networking products for the home and small business. The company’s storage products are addressing the needs of the individual and the business, providing cost-effective network attached storage (NAS), portable and desktop hard drives, 10GbE switches and optical drives, which together offer a complete and integrated solution for companies and the digital home.

Proizvajalec "Buffalo EU B.V.": trenutno zbranih 1 eksponatov.


Del s centralno procesno enoto. Če gre za sistem, ki ima več delov, potem v to kategorijo spada enota s procesorjem (npr. desktop ohišje z motherboardom pri PCju). Sem spadajo tudi računalniki v širšem smislu, kjer je na primer monitor, tipkovnica in procesna enota v enem kosu, na primer laptopi in kalkulatorji.